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Tag Archives: cooking

Health Benefits of Microgreens.

Microgreens deliver a concentrated dose of nutrients and beneficial plant compounds. As a result, they may reduce the risk of certain diseases. Eating vegetables is linked to a lower risk of many diseases. This is likely thanks to the high amounts of vitamins, minerals and

Benefits of spirulina.

Spirulina is among the world’s most popular supplements menu. It is made from an organism that grows in both fresh and saltwater. Rich in many nutrients Spirulina is packed with nutrients. A single tablespoon (tbsp), or 7 grams (g), of dried spirulina powder, contains: สมัคร ufabet  It also contains

Ice cream.

Ice cream has several downsides. It’s low in nutrients, high in added sugar and calories, and may contain artificial ingredients. Ice cream has several health drawbacks to keep in mind. High in added sugar It’s no secret that ice cream is loaded with sugar.สมัคร ufabet 

Is processed food really a health threat?

Many researchers believe that Eating too much processed food can lead to poor nutrition and a higher risk of obesity. Especially ready-to-eat processed foods that can be consumed quickly and conveniently. The researchers divided processed foods into 4 types as follows: Highly processed foods. This type of

Is it true that drinking beer makes you fat? Why?

Drinking large amounts of beer or drinking it regularly can increase the amount of fat in your body. Until it accumulates in various parts, especially around the waist. This may cause you to become obese without realizing it. If anyone is still wondering why this is so. Let’s look at

Swallow gum Is it harmful to the body?

It is true that the body cannot digest chewing gum. But swallowed gum doesn’t usually get stuck in the throat, stomach, or any other part of the body. And will later be excreted through feces without causing any harm.  But if you swallow is nicotine gum. This is a