5 silent dangers of Sleeping late

Sleeping late is a health problem for young children. teenagers and adults that will make you tired Sleepy during the day Most people think that staying up late isn’t a big problem. and are not aware of the dangers that affect health
Continuously staying up late can lead to โปรโมชั่น ufabet diseases such as: Obesity or diabetes Some people sleep late because it is a side effect of certain diseases or conditions. Or stay up late because you work overtime.
Every cause has a negative effect on health. Therefore, you should adjust your sleeping habits accordingly. Before losing your health even more than before
Causes of sleeping late:
1. Inappropriate environment, such as too much light or noise.
2. Changes in sleep schedule, such as those who work in shifts. Or alternating work shifts in the morning and evening, the body may not be able to adjust to the time in time. Makes you sleepy during working hours
3. Jet lag can occur when traveling to certain areas with different time zones.
4. Effects of alcohol and certain drugs. Drinking alcohol before bed may result in you not feeling sleepy. until it makes you sleep late
Diseases that come with sleeping late
1. Heart disease : The body secretes protein when we wake up. The body produces protein repeatedly. until those proteins cling to the coronary arteries Causing blood vessels to clog.
2. Diabetes: The body needs to use insulin to absorb blood sugar. Sleeping late can result in the body not producing insulin. until blood sugar rises and the risk of diabetes
3. Insomnia. Patients with this disease may take more than 30 minutes to be able to fall asleep. And there may be symptoms of falling asleep and waking up. Or being woken up in the middle of the night and unable to sleep again.
4. Depression . Sleeping late affects your mood after waking up, such as negative thoughts. Anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc.
5. Obesity: Lack of sleep stimulates hunger for foods that are higher in fat and carbohydrates.